- info@visitmiddleburgva.com
- P.O. BOX 1384, Middleburg, VA 20118
Virginians and daffodils share a rich, though sometimes questionable, history. The allure of having one’s beloved flower aboard early colonial ships has inspired both northern and southern writers to craft tales, long on romance, but short on proof. Despite this, daffodils do make appearances in colonial era garden journals, letters, and—most compellingly—within the remnants of early gardens.
Join horticulturist and plant historian Sara Van Beck as she explores the fascinating history of daffodils in Virginia. Delve into how these flowers maintained a presence in Virginian gardens from the colonial period through the Victorian era and into the early twentieth century. This enduring legacy played a significant role in the establishment of daffodils as a key commercial bulb crop. Highlighting the pivotal 1924 publication Historic Gardens of Virginia by the Garden Club of Virginia, which helped solidify the daffodil’s status as a cherished garden flower, this lecture will illuminate how the story of daffodils in Virginia reflects broader trends in American gardening history.
Please note, this event will take place on the Rokeby Farm portion of OSGF and will not include a tour of the library, formal garden, or main residence.
Established in the 1960s, the Middleburg Business and Professional Association is a membership-based organization that works to promote, enhance and support the local businesses of Middleburg, Virginia, “The Nation’s Horse & Hunt Capital.